I watched Fishead with my husband, we both thought it was a brilliant documentary. We both shared a link to you on facebook, in the hopes that other friends would take the time to view it themselves and hopefully share it too. In fact, I think I will log back to facebook to share it again, just in case someone missed my link! Thank you, Patricia
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Thank you for taking the time to do what no one else nowadays dares to do.
"In a time of Universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." - George Orwell.
I will share this with as many as I can.
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Absolutely amazing film. Very well done; great photography and such an accurate and complete definition you have captured!
Bravo! You have filled in a lot of 'holes' for a lot of people. You are blessed. Thank you so much. Be sure I shall promote your film whenever and however I can. It should be included in a lot of medical/psychiatric things....
My life was a shambles for almost 10 years because of a psychopath.
I have been on an amazing journey to understanding. It has been a long adventure for me.
One that has almost taken my life from me in more ways than one.
I shall comment on the site as well.
Thanks again for the film and the validation.
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It is a great movie you have put together - congratulations. Several people and friends are already fired up about it and sharing via FB and Skype and where ever else. Thank goodness there are bright souls like you who fearlessly use your talent to awaken the sleeping. May you have great success with this venture and I hope much good will follow in its footsteps for you both. Consider me a friend who will make friends of friends of friends your friends... :-)
All the best,
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great film. i showed it last night to several of my connected community activist friends. specific critiques were mixed but overall everyone thought it was a very good documentary.
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Hi guys,
I'm Italian living in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Lost my
parents, just a brother who is sociopath: He tried to make my life
impossible. Need to put a lot of energy in contrasting it!
So your documentary is simply amazing, would like to see all and show
to other people for sensibilizing about this. One of the most serious
issues is how the victims are perceived by the society. Victim is
mostly considered as the real offender not as the victim! Maria
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Wow, important film!
I have shared it with all my friends on facebook, and all my twitter followers.
I'm going to send it to my email data base next...something I normally would not do.
Keep up the good work guys,
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Bless you for this riveting and powerful documentary. I have watched it twice and will be watching it again. I found <fishead( mentioned on a site that has a support group for victims of psychopaths. Unfortunately, I believe that I am married to a 1 in a hundred kind of guy. Life is hell. But - what an incredible coincidence that your documentary was released just as occupywallstreet began. I will - and already have begun - sending word out to friends and family with loads of Facebook friends to watch <fishead( online. Camille
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Discovering an article which acknowledges, recognizes and explains psychopathy has been a life altering moment for me....and then discovering shortly thereafter that a movie fully committed to this subject matter exists....another profound moment!!! Why life-altering and why profound? Because the media attention now being given to the topic of 'Psychopathy' has helped me to finally understand that I grew up with a 'Psychopathic father'! Despite my lifelong efforts to seek counselling for my fractured life....not one counsellor ever acknowledged that the root problem could be a 'Psychopathic father'.......the diagnosis of choice was always that the problem stemmed from his 'alcoholism'!!! So am I grateful for all the media attention given to this subject matter??? Words cannot describe my immense gratitude!!!!
That being said..........if I can help spread the message of your movie by organizing a screening in my community, I will do so gladly!!! Barbara
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Hi guys,
I just watched the movie and I really enjoyed it. At first I was a bit apprehensive - I've seen many paranoiac depictions of psychopathy already - but as the movie progressed I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of it, and the suggestions it offers for 'normal' people to do something positive about the situation.
Thank you for making and sharing this movie,
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Hello Misha and Vaclav,
I just finished watching the film. Thank you for addressing this complex issue with your intelligent and elegant film. As your film notes, we will all come into contact with a psychopath at some point in our lives. In my case, I experienced a dark detour with a psychopathic business partner that lasted several years before I was able to extricate myself. It negatively affected all areas of my life. I agree that we must resist being passive about this issue and begin creating the reality that we want. Sharing this film with 5 people will not be difficult. I plan to share it with many more.
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I did a screening of Fishead on Saturday night....Shortly after the intent of your movie was clear I couldn't help but notice that one man quickly escorted his girlfriend out of the party. I have known him for years and was surprised and yet not surprised he did this. He is certainly not the violent type however I do have my questions regarding him. Could be a psychopath, could be a narcissist...
This is a difficult topic for many. They want to turn away. They don't want to believe it.
Best, Caroline (the name has been changed to protect privacy)
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I have just finished watching your film. The very first statement cut to the core and I was in tears for the first time in years over what happened to me. Not because I was sad, but because it was clear that what I had gone through was understood by another. You have put together something that truly has the power to change the world, something that can educate and inspire people. Warmest regards, Mary